PHBC Sunday School Programs

Hilltop kids are for ages 6 months to K5. We have Nursery for the babies as well as separate classes for Preschool, Grades K-1, and Grades 2-5. Preschool through 5th grad uses the LifeWay Cirriculum. If you have questions on our Hilltop Kids Sunday School classes, please shoot us a message and we will have our youth pastor contact you.
Interested In Sunday School?
If you have questions, please shoot us a message and we will be happy to discuss our sunday school options with you!

Middle School
The objective of the Middle School Sunday School class is to build strong youth apostles who make a shift in our community. Our group is focused on the scripture 1 Peter 3:15 and we strive to always be able to give the reason for our hope in Jesus Christ. The Middle School group is always discussing methods of sharing the light of Jesus to those around us. We hope you will join us in the Middle School Sunday School class. We would love for you to join us and develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.
High School
The High School Sunday School class revolves around using God Breathed Scripture to apply to the daily lives of young men and women. We realize that the decisions you are making during this stage of life will determine how God will be able to use you in the years to come. Our conversations are centered around real-world issues and how the Bible provides direction and guidance for Christ centered living. You will have an opportunity to be a part of or even lead the conversation or to simply listen and learn from the scripture and class observations. Please come and be a part of the High School Class. We would love to have you as a part of our church family.

If you have questions about out student programs, please shoot us a message and we will be happy to discuss our Sunday School options with you!
Our class — Lydian — consists of ladies (married and single) from ages 30 – 60ish. Several are nurses, some retired, some stay-at-home moms. We have
several get-togethers during the year (with exception of 2020 Covid). \We are a ministering, Bible-loving class who welcomes anyone.
Next Step
The Next Step Sunday School class is for young adults after high school and into their careers. We strive to build relationships (we have breakfast every Sunday morning), study the Word, make real life applications from the scripture and minister to others.
Our class consists of Adult couples and individuals of all ages.
We utilize our Sunday School book each Sunday for our material, but we do not just “read” it. We encourage much discussion within our class to allow us to grow stronger together in God’s Word. And yes, while discussing our life experiences in relation to the lesson, it can be interesting and entertaining!
The Sanctuary Class is a mixed group of individuals and couples. The members are a wide range of ages. We try to involve members through questions relating to the scripture and lesson. We do a weekly offering which we use to help others in time of need. We have also assisted in the past with school classes needing snacks. We try to make the class interesting and entertaining by including stories or information relating to the weekly lesson.
The Omega class consists of mid-age Adult singles and couples. We engage weekly in Bible study and discussion. We also seek to live out what we learn through specific mission projects.
Our GROW class values building community and encouraging one another in our walk with Christ. As we share life experiences and challenges, we search the Scripture for truth and guidance. We meet in the fellowship room of the main building at 9:30 on Sunday mornings. A light breakfast is served each week. We also plan gatherings outside of this time. Members and non-members are welcome!
Senior Men
The Senior men’s class is a small group setting that looks at God’s Word and addresses the real life issues we all face each day. This class uses the Bible Studies for Life series and encourages prayer and personal Bible study as a priority. Please don’t let the “Senior” discourage you from participating in this class. Over the years we have had men from mid-thirties to mid-eighties in this class. Each has added life experiences they have dealt with during their life. I believe this has helped others in the class to understand the different stages of life as we go through those stages. We are a very informal class and would welcome any man who would like to participate. Growing in Christ is a journey, please join us for a part of that journey.
The Joy (Jesus, Others and yourself) Sunday School Class is comprised of senior ladies who love to study God’s Word!!!
We try to adopt His commands and serve those in need….
Each quarter we seek church and community opportunities to minister to others… This is an ongoing class ministry which blesses us while blessing others…
We welcome anyone who wishes to join our believers fellowship….
If you have questions about our Sunday School programs, please shoot us a message and we will be happy to discuss our options with you!