Grow in god's word and fellowship with PHBC
Sunday Worship
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Sunday School
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Wednesday Bible Study
Eat at 6:00 PM | Sm Group 6:30 PM
Who We Are
We are sinners, saved by grace. We are children; we are adults. We are young; we are old. Individuals who form the Body of the Church. Pleasant Hill Baptist adheres to the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.
Our Mission
The mission of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church is to build families through Him.

Our Mission Begins With You
God has brought us together as a body of believers in Jesus Christ to make known His majesty and glory. Our mission begins in our local community and spreads around the globe. In order to accomplish the task, we focus on the truth. The Bible, God’s word, is totally true. In it God has revealed Himself. In it He has provided an authoritative and sufficient body of knowledge to address humanity’s most important needs. We therefore seek to be Bible-centered in our thinking and in our doing.
Based upon the revealed truth of God, our foremost duty and privilege is to worship Him. Worshiping God encompasses all of life. Our worship of God is foundational to everything else we do.
Taking the message and ministry of God’s love to our community and world is our response to the greatness of God. We know what love is because He first loved us. We know what love is because Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. We must therefore spread the message of this love and we must minister to emulate this love to a world whose greatest need is a reconciled relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
What To Expect
As you enter the sanctuary, you will be met by the greeters in the Welcome Center. Restrooms are on the right; greeters will assist you with any questions you might have. For those of you with infants & babies, there is a nursery located on the same floor as the sanctuary. Before the message, children will be dismissed for children’s church.
What To Wear
People at Pleasant Hill dress in a variety of ways. Many members dress in a more formal way; others dress casually. You can expect to be accepted and welcomed without regard to what you wear.
The Congregation
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church is composed of members and guests of all ages. Each generational group is well represented.
At the heart of each worship service is the preaching of the word of God. Our pastors preach expository sermons straight from God’s Word. They concentrate on explaining the Bible in an understandable way, demonstrating its relevance to our lives, and pointing to the supremacy of God, whose word it is.
Music is a fundamental part of our church family as we come together to worship a Holy God. We strive to sing songs that will connect with all generations, while also remaining relevant in the modern church. We sing new songs as well as old songs in modern arrangements in order to honor the songs of our past, while singing songs that are easy to connect with today.
Meet The Staff
Below you will find a short bio on primary staff.

Rev. John Marc Cooling
John Marc Cooling
Tyler Matthews
Tyler Matthews
Student Pastor
Quinton Gee
Quinton Gee
Music Minister
Morgan Roach
Morgan Roach
Ministry Assistant
Cyndi Hamner
Cyndi Hamner
Prayer Coordinator
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People at Pleasant Hill dress in a variety of ways. Many members dress in a more formal way; others dress casually. You can expect to be accepted and welcomed without regard to what you wear.
People who attend Pleasant Hill Baptist Church come from a wide variety of faith backgrounds – Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Methodist, etc. Together, we focus on biblical truth and pursuing an active relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our weekly gatherings are lead by our praise team and band. We also integrate a more traditional choir for special occasions. Our goal is to worship in spirit and truth, and for our worship to be a heartfelt, pleasing sound to His ear. Expect to hear songs that are on the Christian radio stations, as well as new arrangements of the hymns that have been a part of the church for generations.
PHBC has a wonderful Sunday Morning program for kids from birth through 5th grade. While parents are peacefully enjoying the service, kids can have fun and learn about God at their level. For Nursery and Preschool locations, you may speak to a greeter in the main foyer. Kids in grades K through 5 begin the Worship Service with their families and are dismissed to Kids Worship after the music.
Attending services is a good start, but we hope you’ll move beyond being just part of the Sunday morning crowd. You can further your faith, meet people, and learn more about life as a Christ-follower by joining a Sunday School Class, Bible Study, and by serving in the church in an area in which you’re interested and gifted.
Be sure to visit us on a Sunday Morning! You are welcome to speak with one of the church leaders or you can contact us any time to set up a call with our leadership.
Ready to Plan A Visit
If you and your family are interested in joining us at PHBC for Sunday Worship, feel free to contact us and we can help answer any questions you may have.